Strategic Films, Inc. is a South Carolina-based company that was founded in 2010, and formally incorporated in September of 2016, to create theatrical motion pictures with realistic portrayals of the stories of diversity communities in contemporary American society.
Our films will use as principal story platforms the professional fields of government, politics and business, fields with which our founders have extensive first-hand experience. In addition, our films will tell stories from childhood that are common for many, including experiences at summer camps, high school, and college years.
From these platforms, our films will present and explore the compelling life and human interest stories and interactions of individuals within these communities. The stories of the people on whom Strategic Films will focus has been largely untold, especially with respect to African Americans, but they are common stories in American society that resonate broadly. They will entertain and enlighten all who are interested in the American experience and culture, and in how these diverse peoples and their life experiences impact our world.
Our ultimate goal is to bring these stories to the forefront of the public consciousness through the motion picture and television mediums.

The economic and societal changes experienced in the U.S. and the world over the past 30 years have awakened a deep curiosity about (and interest in) the stories of diverse peoples. There is a rapidly growing segment of the population that wants to hear these other stories that are integral parts of the American historical and contemporary landscape, because these stories are also America’s stories, and they enhance understanding of who we are, and why, as an American society.
The members of the diverse communities in this population are looking for their stories to be told in a truthful and realistic manner, and large portions of the predominant community are similarly interested in what these American stories portray. With this awakening, gone are old notions that only members of America’s predominant ethnic group or gender make all the important decisions that affect business, government, politics, and culture.
Strategic Films, Inc. is committed to telling the 360-degree, reality-based, stories of the individuals and events from the African American and other diversity communities that helped shape the American landscape.
Our stories will tell how these diverse peoples not only understand, process and navigate within the legal and prevailing political, business and cultural ethos of American society today, but also how they contribute to and help shape that ethos. And they will tell how these people help make our society function day-to-day, week-to-week, and year-to-year.

Downing of a Flag (Documentary) – www.doaflag.com: In partnership with SCETV and SC Public Radio, a groundbreaking documentary film that tells the inglorious history of the Confederate Battle Flag and its complex relationship with the state of South Carolina; and how this relationship has reflected and impacted the flag\’s image in American society for nearly six decades.
Through first-hand interviews, images and videos, Downing of a Flag follows the timeline of events as the flag was first hoisted on the South Carolina Statehouse grounds in 1961 as part of the centennial anniversary of the first shots fired on Fort Sumter and the start of the American Civil War in 1861, to its ultimate downing and removal on July 10, 2015, which followed the tragedy at Mother Emanuel AME weeks earlier.
Run Hard Part I: A Legacy Born: The story of a Special Election to fill the seat of a beloved Congressman after his untimely death. A young state senator, a seasoned politician, a talented political operative, an award-winning journalist, and grieving daughter tells the story of what could realistically happen in American government as we witness the shift in generations assuming political power.
The Rules of a Relationship: A story of modern-day relationships between a group of friends, and the values and rules that govern their social and personal relationships.
Burn Rate: A story of modern-day minorities working on Wall Street and the high-stakes environment that defines the lifestyle of America’s financial giants. A young recent business school graduate takes on the fast-paced environment of Wall Street.